A few things I've built


Balhuas is a german website for educating users to protect children against sexual exploitation. I worked on the layout for the landing pages and other user-facing functionality.

  • wordpress-icon
  • jquery
  • css3
  • css3

Croque Resorts

A minimal,website for Croque Resorts Goa from start to finish including designing and developing the website using pure javascript and no frameworks.

  • wordpress-icon
  • jquery
  • css3

Yaan Man

Yaan man is a premium mens-care range of skin products. For Yaanman I worked on creating a functional e-commerce store using shopify.

  • wordpress-icon
  • jquery
  • css3

The Starter Labs

A minimal website redesign for The Starter Labs including designing the website as per the requirements and also developing it from scratch.

  • wordpress-icon
  • css3
  • jquery

Expense Tracker

One of the very first projects I made starting out to work on my javascript skills and still use often. It uses local storage to store transaction details so even when the user reloads the page his details aren't lost.

  • wordpress-icon
  • css3
  • jquery

Audio Oscillator

A fun project I made while experimenting with the javascript media API. For best experience run the website on a mobile device.

  • wordpress-icon
  • css3
  • jquery